Budaya sial di kalangan pelajar mendera kawan masih berleluasa. Kejadian sedemikian berterusan meskipun pernah mengakibatkan kematian dan kecederaan parah.
Saya menuntut pihak sekolah, kementerian pendidikan dan PDRM untuk bertindak segera. Video seumpamanya perlu disebar meluas dan tindakan tegas perlu diambil. - Anwar Ibrahim
Saya menuntut pihak sekolah, kementerian pendidikan dan PDRM untuk bertindak segera. Video seumpamanya perlu disebar meluas dan tindakan tegas perlu diambil. - Anwar Ibrahim
Hari tu kat Kelantan, tak taulah video ni baru atau kes lama.. Tapi apa2 pun.. Mmg sial betul budak2 ni..Takkan takdak tindakan yg boleh diambil terhadap mereka.. paling2 pun buang sekolah saja.. kes membakar dgn sengaja asrama tahfiz haritu pun tak dihukum mati atas alasan bawah umur..
Budak2 sial macam ni tak harus ada dikalangan pelajar lain. Cara terbaik ialah dgn letak terus dipenjara sekurang2nya 5 tahun.. Pengetua dan Warden Asrama juga harus dikenakan tindakan.. sebab berlaku di Sekolah dan bawah tanggungjawab mereka. - f/bk

Tiga pelajar yang disyaki memukul seorang junior di sebuah asrama sekolah menengah, di sini, direman empat hari bermula hari ini. Perintah tahanan reman hingga Ahad ini terhadap ketiga-tiga suspek berusia 17 tahun itu dikeluarkan oleh Majistret Mohd Zul Zakiquddin Zulkifli. (Tak pasti sama ada tiga pelajar yang direman itu adalah pelajar yang sama dalam video di atas).
Mereka direman bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan kerana ugutan jenayah dan Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan kerana dengan sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan. Terdahulu, kesemua pelajar Tingkatan Lima itu tiba di pekarangan Mahkamah Majistret dengan menaiki lori polis pada jam 9 pagi tadi.
Media sebelum ini melaporkan dalam kejadian petang kelmarin, seorang pelajar Tingkatan Satu dipukul tiga pelajar sekolah sama yang dikatakan berang kerana dipermainkan dengan gurauan berkaitan belanja makan.
Ketua Polis Kelantan, Deputy Komisioner Shafein Mamat, dipetik berkata justeru mangsa berusia 13 tahun itu membuat laporan polis, semalam, sebelum tangkapan dilakukan.
Berdasarkan rakaman video berdurasi 25 saat yang tular sejak semalam, mangsa dipukul bertubi-tubi, termasuk ditumbuk dan disepak, dalam insiden itu. - BH
Rupanya PAS serah kerusi
tradisinya di Sabah kpd MCA...
Rupa2nya satu satunya Kerusi tradisi yang PAS kata kuat, ada jentera di Karamunting pun diserahkan kepada MCA dan PBS… Itu kalau pemimpin PAS sendiri tak merungut.. kita pun tak tahu…
Elok lah..Allah nak tunjuk, Kawasan tu Majoriti Bumiputera Melayu.. Tapi diserahkan pada parti Cina MCA, dan Parti Kristian PBS.. tapi takda sapa pun mana mana dari Pejuang Melayu..Ustaz2 hat kata PAS tunduk kepada orang Kapir atau jadi Khadam MCA..
Takut ahli2 PAS berontak pasai tak dapat kerusi di Sabah maka keluaq dalil
baru pulak... Itulah cara ulamak2 PAS memperkudakan walaun2 mereka...
Ingat lagi.. Masa PRK Permatang Pauh, Itu kerusi tradisi Ds Anwar.. Selepas Anwar dipenjara, Ulama PAS siap buat fatwa haram undi Wan Azizah.. Kononnya sebab tolak Hudud.. Bila wartawan tanya Haji Hadi..Haji Hadi s seeolah olah setuju dengan fatwa Ulama PAS permatang pauh, dia jawab cakap no komen..
Cuma nak bagi tahu, hat DAP yang hangpa fitnah anti Islam..Satu kerusi PAS dia tak pernah ambil pun.. Siap depa bagi laluan kat PAS kerusi majoriti Cina hanya sebab masa tu nak menangkan calon PAS…
Bila Haji Hadi bergaduh dengan DAP.. bayangkan, walhal DAP cuma lawan MCA dan MIC.. PAS datang kempen tolak DAP..ada kawasan DAO, PAS letak calon punya jahat nak bagi DAP kalah... Itulah wajah jahat,dengki dan khianat parti lebai PAS ni..
What is behind Moodin's strategy?
Why is he releasing all the frogs n tadpoles out into the Sabah ponds? It might be a "heads I win, Tails u lose" strategy. either way Moodin wins. Although it may look chaotic n unwinnable, in the end Moodin might be the Biggest Winner like a fisherman casting his net far n wide to catch all the frogs n tadpoles alike. how?
But first he has to make sure ABU (Anyone but Umno) ie. UMNO lose as many seats as possible, coz UMNO is the biggest threat to Moodin n Bersatu's survival in W Msia.
Assuming PN n UMNO win 50% of their seats ie each win 15 seats +/- 2 (total will be 30+) but neither Bersatu or UMNO can claim the CM seat (seems fair enough). That's where Musa comes in w his collections of frogs and tadpoles rounded up w his dragnet with 10 -20 seats. it will be a sure bet that Anifah Aman (Musa Aman's brother) w even a few seats wud join the grand coalition w Moodin and UMNO, to be the next Sabah CM. Musa Aman will be rewarded a Federal minister post, n appt'd a senator.
That way, Moodin ensures that Sabah will not be controlled by UMNO to ensure that UMNO is in no position to challenge Moodin for the PMship or seat allocations for GE-15. But if Warisan wins between 20 - 30 seats.... not enough to be outright CM ..... Moodin will extend an olive branch out to Shafie. Join PN n still be CM. that way Sabah will still be under Moodin's govt.
But what if Warisan wins big w a bigger majority, enough to continue to rule Sabah under Warisan Plus? then Moodin will not call for GE-15, n use all sorts of pressure, to "move mountains" ie. get Warisan to team up w PN. Otherwise, more tragedies like the 1976 Double Tragedy or 2015 Nothing-2-hide Sabah Mv6 quake will hit Sabah again n again ...
Or more frogs from Warisan plus be bought up until Warisan govt collapse again. n this time, they will ensure the Governor does not accede to Shafie's request to dissolve the State Assembly. This Moodin BDG is turning out to be most devilish n evil of all the past PMs combined. Moodin must be replaced or Msia is finish. - Amin Fasaili

First MACC, now AGC
going all out against me...
The comments by the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) on the two new charges against me for misappropriation of property, amounting to RM208.7 million under the penal code in relation to the tunnel and three highway project(tunnel project), has only reinforced public suspicion that the charges are politically motivated.
First, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), and now the AGC is going all out against me with their comments that they are 99 percent sure of a conviction in line with the Perikatan Nasional's government new political strategy of "Ini semua salah Lim Guan Eng" (this is all Lim Guan Eng's fault).
I had earlier faced three charges for corruption in relation to the tunnel project even though no corruption or gratification money was found in my personal bank account or in my possession as cash. And yet I am charged - "Ini semua salah Lim Guan Eng".
The tunnel project was granted by open tender in 2013 decided by the Penang State Tender Board headed by the state secretary and other senior government officers. And yet I am charged when I am not in the State Tender Board - "Ini semua salah Lim Guan Eng".
The payment of RM208 million decided by land swap is in accordance with the agreement signed between the state government and contractor decided by the exco and other technical committees. And yet I am charged when I was not the only one making the decision on the agreement - "Ini semua salah Lim Guan Eng".
The decision to pay RM 208 million was made after recommendation by an independent expert engineering consultant to senior government officers. The independent consultant was appointed by open tender. Despite not making the recommendation or decision to pay because I am not an engineer, yet I am the one charged - "Ini semua salah Lim Guan Eng".
My lawyers can not understand why the AGC is so intent on transferring my case to Kuala Lumpur, even though the charges against me allegedly occurred from beginning to end, entirely in Penang. What is even more unusual is the belligerent remarks by the AGC against me.

DPP,Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin in maroon stripped tie...
Lead deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin boasted of a sure win with a 99 percent chance of conviction, and that the two new charges were the mother of all charges.
This is not the mother of all charges. Instead, it is the mother of all PN's lies that "this is all Lim Guan Eng's fault".
The DPP's remarks of a 99 percent conviction chance are inappropriate and have already prejudged me, even before my trial, that I am already guilty. Many have commented that the DPP's public statements are potentially dangerous, can destroy a person's reputation and prejudice my right to a fair trial.
The latest two charges on Friday that I had misappropriated government property amounting to RM208 million is baseless and illogical when I had not taken any benefit. The land valued at RM208 million was payment in the form of a land swap in accordance with the agreement between the state government and the contractor.
Further, the land was transferred after the final decision by the exco. If I am charged, then will this also lead to the preposterous conclusion that all exco members or the entire state government and its 10,000 staff will also have to be charged? - Lim Guan Eng
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