
Umum harta,alasan bodoh Ku Nan...


Setiausaha Agung Umno Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor berkata beliau tidak akan membuat pengisytiharan harta kepada umum kerana bimbang keluarganya menjadi sasaran penjenayah.

Bekas ahli perniagaan itu berkata ada pelbagai kemungkinan boleh berlaku jika aset dimilikinya diumumkan secara terbuka. Antara risiko yang dibimbangi Tengku Adnan ialah kemungkinan isteri atau anaknya akan menjadi sasaran penculik.

"Saya tak akan declare (umum) kepada public (orang awam) kerana saya dulu ahli perniagaan. Saya banyak aset.

"Saya tak akan cerita apa yang saya ada. Saya pun takut barangkali kalau sayadeclare, anak saya barangkali akan diculik, isteri saya diculik. Macam-macam perkara boleh berlaku. Orang boleh datang merompak," katanya kepada media di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan itu diminta mengulas keyataan Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Fahmi Fadzil yang mencadangkan supaya beliau - serta Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur Datuk Seri Mhd Amin Nordin Abd Aziz - membuat pengisytiharkan harta.

Cadangan itu dibuat ekoran tertangkapnya seorang pegawai kanan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur kerana disyaki melakukan rasuah.

Pada 15 Ogos lalu Malaysiakini melaporkan tiga penjawat awam - dengan dua daripadanya berpangkat Datuk Seri dan Datuk - ditahan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atas kesalahan rasuah, penyalahgunaan kuasa dan penggubahan wang haram.

Tangkapan itu dibuat hasil operasi serentak SPRM di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Melaka dan Kelantan. Baca seterusnya di sini...

alditta - Kalu pemimpin2 pembangkang gitu kalut suruh isytihar harta,tapi bila mai kat dia sikit punya putaq alam si mamak ni bergelar tengku...ha3

Abd Razak Haji Kameh - Boleh tak alasan ini diguna pakai oleh penjawat awam untuk tidak mengisytihar harta mereka?

Nasir Sardi - Takut kata la takut nnt terbuka pekong, kalau harta halal apa nak ditakutkan sebab org yg sentisa bersama Allah, tetap dalam perlindongan Nya...bila beri kekayaan sentiasa beramal dgn kekayaan itu ia nya akan mendapat berkat dan Dia akan sentiasa menlindongi org yg beramal dan anda akan seniasa temteram..tapi kalau harta itu datang dgn cara tak betul dan menyalahi syariat Islam atau anda saorg yg bahkil tentu akan sentisa dalam ketakutan dan tidak menrasa temteram..kerana ketenangan jiwa itu datang hanya dengan izin dan redho Allah SWT...so why should you scared?

ipoh pp - How is it that the Penang CM and his colleges can declare to the public dud? Its because u have amassed such great amounts that u fear. If you want to be elected you have to declare to the rakyaat cause we voted you. Declaring to PM is a joke!

Tan Kim Keong - The only people in public office who do not want to disclose their assets are people with something to hide. These people will find requirement for public declaration of their assets disturbing for obvious reason. The threat of family members being kidnapped is an merely an excuse in this case for people in public office.

Is No. 1 policeman prepared to find out 
who is MO1?

The police arrest and three-day remand of three student activists, Muhammad Luqman Nul Hakim Zul Razali, Luqman Hakim and Ashraff Nazrin, for promoting next week’s #TangkapMalaysianOfficial1 rally at Seri Iskandar in Perak yesterday is unwarranted, a grave abuse of power and serious police failure to understand their real powers and duties.

The police should release the three student activists immediately, as there is no reason or justification to continue to remand them.

In fact, what all policemen and women should seriously consider is whether they should obstruct or assist the #TangkapMalaysianOfficial1 campaign.

Should the Inspector-general of police and the police be concerned as to who is “Malaysian Official 1” mentioned 36 times in the 136-page US Department of Justice (DOJ) US$1 billion assets forfeiture lawsuits arising from the embezzlement and money-laundering of US$3.5 billion 1MDB funds?

The question must be an unequivocal “Yes” if Malaysia believes in the rule of law and upholds good governance principles of integrity and accountability.

The police should fully assist in the #TangkapMalaysianOfficial1 campaign if there is evidence that “Malaysian Official 1” is involved in the “criminal conduct” outlined in the 136-page DOJ filings of theft, embezzlement and money-laundering of 1MDB funds.

The initial reactions of the inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to the DOJ filing of US$1 billion 1MDB-linked assets forfeiture lawsuits on July 20 were most disappointing.

Firstly, with IGP’s declining to comment claiming that it was a civil proceeding, that the Malaysian police were not consulted and he had not been informed, and four days later, reiterating that the Malaysian police will not take action unless the US’ 1MDB civil lawsuits develop into a criminal case as the Malaysian police “only dealt with criminal matters”.

This police myopia is most shocking to say the least. Was the Malaysian inspector-general of police unable to understand the strong language used by the US officers, for instance:

(i) When the US attorney-general Loretta E Lynch said that DOJ would not allow the American financial system to be used as a conduit for corruption and that the DOJ action sought "to forfeit and recover funds that were intended to grow the Malaysian economy and support the Malaysian people. Instead, they were stolen, laundered through American financial institutions and used to enrich a few officials and their associates".

(ii) When the US assistant attorney-general Leslie Caldwell said the DOJ allegations is "a case where life imitated art” where“the associates of these corrupt 1MDB officials are alleged to have used some of the illicit proceeds of their fraud scheme to fund the production of The Wolf of Wall Street, a movie about a corrupt stockbroker who tried to hide his own illicit profits in a perceived foreign safe haven".

(iii) When US attorney Eileen M Decker of the Central District of California who spoke of the commitment to send "a message that we will not allow the US to become a playground for the corrupt, a platform for money laundering or a place to hide and invest stolen riches".

(iv) When US Federal Bureau of Investigations deputy director Andrew McCabe said the United States will not be a safe haven for assets stolen by corrupt foreign officials.

(v) When the complaint proper in the DOJ lawsuits stated it is "a civil action in rem" to forfeit assets which are "a portion of the proceeds over US$3.5 billion misappropriated from 1MDB" (Paragraph 33) in an international conspiracy to launder money misappropriated from 1MDB, and setting out the series of "criminal conduct" of such global misappropriation and money-laundering?

How can a Malaysian police investigation into the 1MDB scandal be regarded as serious, thorough or comprehensive if it refuses to even take cognisance of the series of criminal conduct with regard to the theft, misappropriation and money-laundering of 1MDB funds uncovered by the investigations of the various US authorities highlighted in the DOJ lawsuits?

In the reactions after the DOJ filings, Khalid said that the police will question two important personalities in the 1MDB scandal, the Penang-born tycoon Jho Low and Najib’s stepson Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, before submitting papers to the attorney-general.

As Khalid has said that the police have submitted its investigation papers to the attorney-general, have the police succeeded in questioning Jho Low and Riza?

The 1MDB investigations by the Malaysian police and the US authorities were initiated at almost the same time – in the first quarter of last year.

Can the Inspector-general of police explain why the US investigation seemed to have made greater headway than the Malaysian police investigation, and why the Malaysian police investigation seemed to be trailing not only those in the US, but also in other countries like Singapore, Switzerland and Abu Dhabi?

Will Khalid as IGP demonstrate that he is the country No 1 policeman who will act without fear or favour to uphold the law, and is prepared to find out who is “Malaysian Official 1”, and will assist and not hamper the #TangkapMalaysianOfficial1 campaign? - Lim Kit Siang,mk

Haram pergi haji dengan duit 1MDB...

Baru2 ini diberitakan bahawa lebih seribu orang Islam di Malaysia telah terpilih untuk menunaikan fardhu haji pada tahun ini dibawah tajaan 1MDB.

Semua orang tahu bahawa 1MDB ditubuhkan untuk menguruskan pelaburan bagi rakyat Malaysia. Segala dananya (pinjaman) adalah atas nama negara (rakyat) jadi bolehlah disimpulkan bahawa 1MDB adalah MILIK RAKYAT MALAYSIA yang berjumlah 30 juta orang lebih dan terdiri dari berbagai kaum dan agama.

1MDB bukan milik umno atau BN dan ianya juga bukan milik peribadi PM DS Najib Razak, yang telah melantik dirinya sendiri bagi menguruskan dana terbesar yang pernah ditubuhkan oleh negara ini.

Oleh kerana 1MDB adalah hak rakyat maka segala dananya tidak boleh digunakan selain dari untuk kepentingan rakyat; iaitu dilaburkan dalam projek2 yang halal dan menguntungkan bagi menghasilkan pendapatan untuk rakyat.

Sebarang keuntungan dari pelaburan2 yang dibuat oleh 1MDB hendaklah dipulangkan semula kepada rakyat dan tidak boleh dibelanjakan sewenang wenangnya oleh mereka2 yang dilantik (atau melantik diri sendiri) bagi menguruskan dana tersebut.

Malangnya, seperti yang didedahkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Tony Pua baru2 ini, sejak ditubuhkan kira2 6 tahun lalu 1MDB tidak pernah membuat untung malah telah mengumpul hutang sehingga dikatakan mencecah RM50 Bilion.

Lebih malang lagi baru2 ini didedahkan oleh Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat (beserta dengan laporan lengkap dan bukti forensik) bahawa sebanyak USD3.5 Bilion atau lebih RM14 Bilion wang 1MDB telah dicuri dan DS Najib didapati turut terpalit sama (walaupun dalam laporan tersebut menamakan beliau sebagai MO1).

Sepatutnya dalam situasi ini beliau telah MELETAK JAWATAN sebagai pengerusi 1MDB bukan saja kerana GAGAL memastikan wang rakyat selamat tetapi lebih memalukan lagi beliau turut terpalit apabila pihak US mendakwa wang RM2.6 bilion yang masuk ke akaun peribadi beliau adalah wang dari 1MDB.

Malang sekali dalam keadaan seperti ini Najib bukan saja tidak mahu melepaskan jawatan tetapi terus membelanjakan wang 1MDB milik rakyat Malaysia sesuka hati, seolah2 wang itu adalah milik peribadi beliau.

Ini termasukkah menaja pekej haji kepada 1000 lebih umat Islam baru2 ini.

Haji adalah satu ibadat yang hanya diwajibkan kepada umat Islam yang mampu.

Mampu bermaksud ada wang sendiri (halal) namun dalam kes ini duit yang digunakan telah diambil tanpa kebenaran tuan punya iaitu rakyat Malaysia. Oleh sebab itu saya dengan yakin menyatakan bahawa PERGI HAJI DENGAN DUIT 1MDB ADALAH HARAM.- suarakami

Sekian, wassalam.


Aliya ini dari Russia yang beragama Islam. Dia menang 3 pingat, termasuk emas. Jika di Malaysia, pendita agama akan makan dia habis-habisan. Haram tanpa soal bahawa dia menunjuk-nunjuk aib perhiasannya. Memang saya bukan pendita. Saya tidak layak keluarkan fatwa. Itu sebab saya minta fatwa, mana yang lagi aib: Gambar bentuk pepek Farah Ann Abdul Hadi atau lapuran DOJ terhadap 1MDB? Kenapa tak kunyah MO1 habis-habisan? - f/bk reduan

Beza tajuk akhbar Melayu berbanding dengan akhbar English. Hangpa pikiaq2 mai...

Even in sports, Malaysians can’t come together, as pointed out by Fairnsquare: When a Malay wins bronze, it is "Azizulhasni Awang melakar sejarah" (makes history) and when a Chinese bagged the more prestigious silver, it is "Peng Soon-Liu Ying hampakan jutaan rakyat Malaysia (Peng Soon-Liu Ying disappoint millions of Malaysians)" and "Beregu campuran sekadar raih perak (Mixed doubles pair manages merely a silver)." The editors of these papers should be sacked. They are a disgrace to the journalism profession.

Tahniah n #‎RESPECT‬ #‎TeamMalaysia‬...


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