
Lembah Pantai - kalulah IGP lawan Nurul Izzah...


Disebabkan Taman Tasik Perdana (Bukit Aman ) kini diletakkan di dibawah Parlimen Lembah Pantai, kalu Tuan IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar menceburi bidang politik dan menawarkan diri menjadi calon disana di PRU14 nanti dah tentu dia akan menang mudah dengan majoriti yang besar. 

Kesin kat Nurul Izzah tewas bukan kerana adanya pertandingan secara adil dan bebas mengikut amalan demokrasi,tetapi peluang kemenangannya dirampas akibat manipulasi pihak SPR yang mahu calon BN menang selesa.

Sementara itu proses persempadanan semula Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur boleh menyebabkan penyandang kerusi Parlimen Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar kalah ekoran peningkatan jumlah pengundi polis.

Ahli Parlimen Segambut dari DAP, Lim Lip Eng semasa sidang akhbar di Pusat Komuniti Manjalara pagi ini berkata, ini kerana kawasan mengundi polis dari Segambut dipindahkan ke Lembah Pantai.

Ujar Lim, kawasan yang diwakilinya pada asalnya melibatkan daerah mengundi Tasik Perdana yang terdiri daripada sebahagian besar pengundi di kalangan kakitangan polis persekutuan ibu pejabat Bukit Aman.

Bagaimanapun, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bercadang untuk memindahkan 6,598 pengundi di Tasik Perdana ke Lembah Pantai yang merupakan kerusi marginal dimenangi Nurul Izzah pada pilihan raya umum lepas, jelas Lim.

Menurut Lim, walaupun proses persempadanan semula itu akan meningkatkan peluang kepadanya untuk terus mempertahankan kerusinya, namun, kos terpaksa ditanggung Nurul Izzah.

"Saya hilang lebih 6,000 undi polis pada pilihan raya umum lepas...ini membuktikan SPR bekerjasama dengan Umno dengan kedua-dua pihak berfikir boleh abaikan Segambut.

"Keluarkan 6,000 undi polis dan pindahkan mereka ke dalam kawasan Nurul Izzah.

"Nurul akan hilang 6,000 undi sebelum pilihan raya umum bermula," katanya.

Tambah beliau, jika bilangan itu digabungkan dengan undi pos Lembah Pantai, naib presiden PKR itu akan kehilangan lebih 10,000 undi sebelum hari mengundi. - mk

File picture shows Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Some 150 Malaysian medical science students in Egypt may be forced to drop their studies as they face huge debts brought on by the weakened ringgit. — Reuters pic
Al-Azhar University in Cairo. 
150 Malaysian students in Egypt face expulsion...

About 150 Malaysian students are suffering the effects of the massive decline in the value of the ringgit and may lose their places in Egyptian universities as a result.

The students, in the fields of medical science – medicine, dentistry and pharmacy – are from eight universities and are said to have racked up a total of RM4.5 million in unpaid tuition fees, Berita Harian reported.

They are finding it difficult to continue paying their annual tuition fees because the value of the ringgit has dropped from RM3.20 to US$1 in September 2014 to RM4.13 as of yesterday. The value of the ringgit reached a low of RM4.47 in September last year.

The president of the Malaysia-Egypt Medical Science Students Association (Perubatan) said Malaysian students are struggling to pay their tuition fees which could be as high as US$8,000 per annum, according to the local Bahasa Malaysia daily.

“The issue of backdated fees is getting more serious since the fall of the ringgit towards the end of last year. It has affected the exchange rate of the ringgit to the US dollar and Egyptian pound. This has in turn increased the cost to pay our school fees.

“Also, the living expenses in Egypt increased by nearly 50 per cent over the past two years. This situation has put students under tremendous pressure, especially those who don’t have sponsors or any student loans,” Perubatan President Ikraam Abdul Latif was quoted as saying by Berita Harian.

Many of the 150 students initially chose to further their studies in Egypt in the hopes of obtaining scholarships from the Public Service Department (JPA) and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) if they managed to get good results in their first year.

However, since the 2013 Egyptian military coup and the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood-led government, JPA and Mara had pulled the plug on their sponsorship and financing programmes.

Ikraam, who’s a sixth-year medical student at the Cairo University, said many affected students are now dependent on public funds to get by.

He said that Perubatan had attempted to work together with Education Malaysia Egypt to settle existing student debts. However, the efforts were short-lived.

“The cooperation was for a short-term basis, such as releasing confirmation letters stating that the students have no sponsorship and loans, and also permission for indebted students to be allowed to sit for their examinations,” he told Berita Harian.

The 150 affected Malaysian students are studying medicine, dentistry and pharmacy at Al-Azhar University, Cairo University, Ain Shams University, Zagazig University, Alexandria University, Tanya University, Mansoura University and Assiut University. -fmt

OSTB comments :  So what? Who cares? Melayu miskin dulu. 

Habis macam mana nak jadi "high income" nation? Khazanah kata household income sudah jadi RM6000 sebulan.  Di mana pula? Mungkin atas bulan kut?   Because certainly these 150 students in Egypt are not from the RM6000 income households.

Woi bodoh, kali ini hang memang betul. Memang orang gila saja tak faham apa kesan bila ringgit jatuh.

This is also largely a Malay problem - although it does affect all Malaysians. Their world is just crashing around them.  At this pace even kangkung will become out of reach. 

The plan by Noh Omar to allow housing developers to provide loans tohouse buyers has some serious reasons behind it. 

More Malays cannot afford to buy houses which are sky rocketing in prices. Malays who can qualify for housing loans cannot even afford to pay the 10% deposit or the balance 10% - 20% that is not financed by the banks. 

That is why Noh Omar wants developers to give loans to cover that gap. That is NOT a wise thing to do at all. Again this is largely a Malay problem.  The Malays are not making it to 'high income'.

The Rohingyas are making it to high income. Go to the pasar borong in Sri Kembangan and you can see the Rohingyas minting money.  I think they easily make RM10-20k a month from selling fish and meat.

The Banglas are making it to high income. There is a factory owned by a Bangla (I wont say where it is because I get stuff from that fellow) that employs 60 workers. His monthly wage bill exceeds RM100,000. ALL his 60 workers are Banglas.

The Pakistanis are making it to high income.  Go to Jalan Masjid India and ALL the textiles shops are run by Pakistani bosses. They employ Indon girls. Some of them were my customers. They all made money.

Go to Low Yat and the Pakistanis run the computer spare parts shops. They are also making money. 

The Indons are making money.  My customers are majority Indons. They run businesses, work at two or three jobs and just work, work, work. They make money.

Our Indon construction worker became a construction supervisor. Recently he started hiring his own workers and has become a construction subcontractor. Last year he went on the pilgrimage.  Drives to work in that  Proton MPV.

Siapa miskin dulu? Who cares? So what? - OSTB



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