Oriental Daily melaporkan, tindakan 5 murid perempuan itu bermula sejak Mac lalu dan guru terbabit membawa suspek ke balai polis untuk membuat laporan, petang semalam.
Difahamkan, seorang murid memaklumkan guru terbabit mengenai perbuatan 5 murid itu pada malam Ahad lalu, sebelum mereka mengaku berbuat demikian ketika disoal guru.
Lima suspek itu dikatakan akan bersembunyi dalam 5 tandas, dengan hanya seorang yang akan merakamkan gambar guru wanita ketika menggunakan baki sebuah tandas.
Pengerusi lembaga pengarah SJKC itu yang dipetik Oriental Daily mengakui terkejut dengan kejadian itu yang sudah diselesaikan saluran dalaman pengurusan sekolah terbabit.
“Guru besar berkata kejadian itu berpunca daripada kenakalan murid perempuan dan pihak sekolah sudah menghubungi ibu bapa murid terbabit untuk menangani perkara itu.”
Beliau mendakwa pihak sekolah, guru dan ibu bapa murid terbabit bersetuju memberi amaran kepada suspek dengan membawa mereka ke balai polis untuk “menakut-nakutkan” mereka.
Katanya, difahamkan pihak sekolah akan mengambil tindakan terhadap murid terbabit dan yakin mereka akan diberikan amaran.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Seri Alam, Superintenden Jokhiri Abd Aziz mengesahkan menerima laporan itu, tetapi pihaknya belum mendapat gambar berkenaan kerana suspek mendakwa sudah memadamkan gambar terbabit dan polis akan meneruskan siasatan. - fmt
Keberanian Pengundi Amerika
Yang Wajar Kita Contohi...
Berada dalam pemerintahan UMNO dan BN sejak lebih 60 tahun lalu, harus kita akui sudah tiada lagi keseronokannya. Lebih-lebih lagi dengan Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri dan Rosmah Mansor menjadi bayangan kepada banyak kecelaruan dan kerosakan dalam negara, keseronokan sebenarnya sudah lama menghembuskan nafas akhirnya.
Jika Najib, UMNO dan BN terus menang lagi selepas PRU 14 nanti, lagi tiada keseronokan akan kita hadapi. Semua yang akan berlaku selepas itu semunya sudah boleh dijangka.
Kita pasti akan melihat lebih banyak perbelanjaan dan pembaziran, sementara Najib terus dengan retorik dan lakonan politiknya yang memualkan.
Kita juga akan menyaksikan Zahid Hamidi secara perlahan-lahan akan dipinggir dan dikurangkan kuasanya semata-mata untuk memberi laluan kepada sepupu Najib, Hishammuddin Hussein. Anak Tun Hussein Onn itu mungkin akan dijadikan Menteri Kewangan, kemudian Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan seterusnya mengambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri daripada Najib.
Hishammuddin kemudian akan menaik dan melorongkan orang-orangnya pula dan tidak mustahil Khairy Jamaluddin akan berada di lapisan yang seterusnya. Baca rencana penuhnya sini...
We Need Another Anwar Ibrahim
to Make Malaysia Great Again...
to Make Malaysia Great Again...
How many of you are trying to make some sense of the fact that the next President of the United States is going to be "The Donald" Trump?
Out with old politics and in with the new.
What has happened in the UK with Brexit? David Cameron had to resign because he misread the public's resentment towards being in the EU with all the "problems" and "burden" that came with being in the EU. The public made that known to him by voting to get them out of the EU in the Brexit Referendum!
In the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte was elected because he said that he can get rid of the graft and crime that has been plaguing the country for many many years.
In Indonesia, they elected Joko, previously a furniture maker, as their president. He is seen as a "clean" politician who promised more social welfare for the poor and is seen as a man of the people, for the people and of the people. and is popular with the youth.
In Australia with five Prime Minister in as many years, the public just got fed of politicians feuding within their own party and threw out the politicians and the party doing just that.
And today in America, "The Donald" was elected President of the USA because he promised to make America Great Again!
Donald Trump who was ostracised by his own party and pronounced a "no hope" candidate by almost every media outlet and many political pundits of note, confounded everyone by winning the 2016 US election almost single handedly.
All of the above "happening" is a reflection of one undeniable fact.
In the UK, Indonesia, the Philippines and now in America, the people decides whom they want as their leader.
Will the same thing happen in Malaysia?
Thinking of what Mahathir, Anwar and Mahyuddin have done when they were in public office, the prospect of any of them being in public office again fills me with dread. So what has changed this time around?
First, it is we, the people, who will decide who our leaders will be, sans race, religion, and political inclinations. We want leaders we trust to lead us. We want leaders who can work for the good of all of us to be Prime Minister. We want leaders to understand that they work for us and not the other way around.
What has changed this time around is that Mahathir, Anwar and Mahyuddin...and anybody else who wants to win political office...all of them understand that they need our votes and our support to get them there. Maybe BN and Umno are confused about all this because they have yet to spend time out of government but Mahathir, Anwar and Mahyuddin know's what that means. If the want another chance at holding public office again, they have to plead their case directly to the people.
And anyone else who can convince the voters that he /she too wants to do the same thing, they too will have a chance at winning public office. So whether its is Mahathir, Anwar or Mahyuddin...they must have by now understand that what they promise to do when they win public office - they must do.
It does not now take BN, Umno or a Pakatan Rakyat to win elections anymore. As Trump, Joko and Duterte had shown, it only takes one individual who can give hope to the people, to turn everything around and upside down.
We had that man in Anwar Ibrahim many years ago.
If Anwar is too old now, if Anwar is still in Sungai Buloh or unable to stand for election when the next election comes, if for whatever reason Anwar is not the choice of whatever political alliance or entity that had been put together by others ......whatever....we still want another Anwar Ibrahim to do to Malaysia what Trump, Joko and Duterete has said they will do, to their nation.
Najib Razak has betrayed our nation. Umno has betrayed the Malays. BN has betrayed all Malaysians....so even if Anwar Ibrahim cannot stand for election at the next GE, we still need another Anwar Ibrahim to make Malaysia great again! - steadyaku47
Singapore Names Low Person of Interest in 1MDB-Linked Probe...
Singapore police identified Malaysian financier Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low, as a "key person of interest" in a money laundering probe surrounding 1Malaysia Development Bhd., according to testimony in court Thursday.
The country’s investigation into Low started in 2015, officer Oh Yong Yang said during an obstruction of justice hearing involving an ex-BSI SA banker, Yeo Jiawei. Oh described the probe as a complex sophisticated money laundering investigation involving billions of dollars.
Low, known for partying with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, directed funds from 1MDB to connected individuals and for his and his associates’ “personal gratification,” U.S.
prosecutors say. He bought art and real estate and paid for lavish parties and gambling, and helped Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s stepson launch his career as a movie mogul by supplying the funding for the hit movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” they said. - Continue reading...

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