
Beza BMF dengan 1MDB...


Bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, menyatakan perbezaan antara skandal Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) yang berlaku pada eranya dengan isu 1MDB yang membayangi Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Dalam kemas kini terbaru di blognya, Dr Mahathir berkata, kes BMF tidak membabitkan tuduhan salah laku secara langsung dengan kerajaan Malaysia.

"Sebaliknya, isu 1MDB berkaitan secara langsung dengan salah laku dengan keadaan sekarang.

"Isu BMF tidak berkait secara langsung dengan saya sebagai perdana menteri ketika itu. Sebaliknya, isu 1MDB mempunyai kaitan terus dengan Najib (Abdul) Razak, perdana menteri ketika ini. Malah hakikatnya dia berada di tengah-tengah skandal berkenaan," katanya.

Skandal BMF diperkatakan ramai pada awal 1980-an apabila berlaku urus niaga yang mencurigakan serta menyebabkan kerugian kira-kira AS$1 bilion.

Ia membabitkan pinjaman bernilai RM2.5 bilion kepada beberapa syarikat yang mempunyai rekod meragukan, termasuk yang berpangkalan di Hong Kong.

Ia menjadi lebih panas apabila seorang pegawai bank yang ditugaskan untuk menyiasat kes berkenaan di Hong Kong, Jalil Ibrahim, dibunuh.

Skandal itu juga menyaksikan Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd (BBMB) yang memiliki BMF terpaksa diselamatkan oleh kerajaan yang menyuntik modal kepadanya.

BBMB adalah syarikat perbankan yang mempunyai saham kerajaan di dalamnya. Dr Mahathir dilantik sebagai perdana menteri kira-kira dua tahun sebelum itu.

Najib pula sentiasa menafikan beliau menyalahgunakan dana 1MDB untuk kepentingan peribadi seperti dituduh banyak pihak - termasuk Dr Mahathir.

Petik laporan NYT

Sebaliknya Najib berkata, tuduhan berkenaan sengaja dibuat sebagai pakatan musuh untuk menggulingkannya.

Peguam Negara juga sudah membersihkan Najib daripada sebarang salah laku membabitkan isu 1MDB.

Mengulas mengenai dokumen CIA baru-baru ini, Dr Mahathir berkata, ia disediakan oleh agensi perisikan AS dan bukan laporan khusus negara itu mengenai isu BMF.

Sebaliknya, kata Dr Mahathir, siasatan Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) AS secara khusus mengaitkan dapatan mereka dalam isu 1MDB dengan Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).

Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan mengesahkan MO1 adalah Najib namun menegaskan perdana menteri tidak dinamakan dalam dokumen mahkamah dikemukakan oleh DOJ itu. Justeru, kata pengarah komunikasi startegik BN itu, Najib tidak disiasat.

Dr Mahathir juga mengingatkan, berhubung isu BMF, kerajaan menubuhkan jawatankuasa siasatan khas dan hasil perolehan mereka didedahkan kepada umum.

"Mengenai isu 1MDB, kerajaan Najib belum menubuhkan sebarang jawatankuasa siasatan bebas. Malah, laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai 1MDB sedia ada tidak didedahkan, dan diletak di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi," tambahnya.

Berkaitan kesan daripada skandal BMF, kata Dr Mahathir, ada tindakan diambil ke atas beberapa individu terlibat, sama ada di Hong Kong atau Malaysia.

Keadaan bagaimanapun tidak sama, katanya. Bagi kes 1MDB, menurut Dr Mahathir, pihak yang berkaitan - seperti polis - belum membuat sebarang kesimpulan walaupun pihak berkuasa di AS, Switzerland dan Singapura sudah bertindak, termasuk mendakwa mereka di mahkamah.

"Tetapi kertas siasatan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) ditolak peguam negara yang baru dan melantik dirinya menggantikan peguam negara terdahulu yang diketepikan, kononnya atas sebab kesihatan tetapi tanpa laporan Lembaga Perubatan," katanya.

Dr Mahathir juga menegaskan, kesan isu BMF itu secara umumnya diterima baik masyarakat, termasuk di kalangan pembangkang serta kumpulan politik lain.

Untuk menguatkan hujahnya bekas Perdana Menteri itu memetik laporan The New York Times pada 8 Januari 1985, bertajuk “Malaysia discloses details of bank scandal” (Malaysia mendedahkan butiran skandal bank). 

"Mengenai isu 1MDB, Peguam Negara sebenarnya menghentikan siasatan lanjut, sedangkan dia tidak diberi kuasa untuk berbuat begitu. Parti-parti pembangkang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan skandal melibatkan 1MDB," katanya. - mk

Scandal 1MDB vs BMF...

Jamal is barking up the wrong tree again...

When I call him a clown, some think I am being too kind to him.

But Jamal Mohd Yunos is one character that fits well into cartoonist Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque or Zunar’s world of cartoons as a court jester.

Less than a month ago, he appeared at the Selangor state secretariat clad only with towels. When a reporter asked him if he was wearing trousers underneath, he could only walk away.

Now, he has become infamous with his ‘beds’ drama, accusing the Selangor state government of closing an eye on the vice dens in Selangor.

The truth of the matter is that the beds should perhaps be appearing in front of Bukit Aman, and I am sure that the inspector-general of police, Khalid Abu Bakar, would have him arrested immediately.

This is because the raids on prostitution and gambling dens, including the prosecution of the people concerned, are under the jurisdiction of the police. It is the police that lead the raids on vice dens, not the local council or the state government.

The state government has the power to seal any illegal building or extension done to the building which was carried out without proper council approval, but the local council has no power to prosecute the operator of the illegal vice den.

The local council, for example, can raid and seal a business premise if an illegal business is conducted without a licence. There are hotels, for example, which are operating as vice dens but all that the local council can do is to seal the building. Prosecution is under the police’s jurisdiction.

IGP cannot ignore the ‘clown’

Now that Jamal has created a brouhaha over the vice dens in Selangor, the IGP can no longer ignore his complaints.

In fact, as I mentioned in the past, the vice dens are not only found in Selangor. They have mushroomed in places under the jurisdiction of the Federal Territories Ministry and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall.

Bukit Bintang is a great example. There are business premises being turned into vice dens. If you were to walk past there, pretending to be a bachelor, it is not impossible for you to be invited to try out the ‘local cuisines’.

Some offered ‘Thai girls’ which sounded more like Tigers. Others would tell you that you can pick your choice. They have many for you to try out.

Another location which Jamal is apparently not mentioning anything about yesterday afternoon is the back lanes of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, where he operates his business.

Being the chief of the petty traders group, Jamal should urge Federal Territory Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to clean up the streets of alleged transsexual sex workers, instead of the homeless people, from the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Then, there is also Kepong, which for many years has seen vice dens mushrooming over the years. This is what Jamal should be shouting about. It is under the jurisdiction of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall and the Federal Territories Ministry.

Next, would Jamal turn up at Tengku Adnan’s office?

That would be an interesting scenario which we would look forward to seeing. One is urging people to meet in the stadium, even if they go “naked”, and the other is offering the beds.

Enough is enough

I think enough is enough. Jamal is being too thick-skinned.

Previously, in another incident, Jamal shouted that he was “punched” by the police. Obviously, during the scuffle, he was being pinned down by the police.

When asked by reporters later, he turned around and claimed he had been punched by men sent by Ampang member of parliament Zuraida Kamaruddin. How could someone other than the police themselves punch Jamal, without being arrested, when there were so many policemen around?

Come on, Jamal, my advice is, don’t be stupid.

Those of us who saw the video clip showing the struggle between Jamal and the police could easily tell who provoked the police in the first place.

Here is again my question about people with the titles such as Datuk or Datuk Seri. Jamal is one Umno division leader who was awarded a datukship recently.

He is not only bringing shame to his own race and religion, but to the country as a whole, because those of us who are not Muslims or Malays, when we hear the name Jamal, we cannot help but consider him as apparently the scum of the earth. - Stephen Ng,mk

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