Sejak beberapa hari lalu telah menjadi tular sebuah video di mana memaparkan dua orang warga asing melakukan upacara keagamaan lain di dalam ruang solat sebuah masjid di Limbang,Sarawak.
Video itu dilihat mendapat kecaman ramai netizen di mana mereka menyatakan mereka ini tiada hormat kepada masjid.
Namun, itu bukanlah sebenarnya yang berlaku di mana menurut seorang lelaki bernama Francis Ngu Hown Hua, kejadian yang berlaku adalah hanya salah faham di mana kedua wanita warga Vietnam ini telah tersalah masuk tempat sembahyang.
Tindakan mereka itu telah pun ditegur oleh jemaah masjid dan menunjukkan arah sebenar lokasi tokong untuk agama Buddha.
Cerita sebenar mereka adalah warga Vietnam yang tersalah masuk tempat sembayang setelah di tegur baru mereka sedar salah tempat , ini lah kehebatan sarawak kita tidak marah dan halau terus cuma tegur dengan cara baik, walaupun tersilap umah.
Allah bagi hidayah kepada mereka "Rahsia Allah" siapa yang tau kan? jika Allah mengkehendaki... Doa yang baik2 jangan berprasangka buruk..itu saja,
mula mula kami mendapat video ni memang tidak mahu di post sebab pasal agama sensitif memandangkan sudah orang up video viral Sampai seberang sana serta coment2 yang tidak molek di lihat , jadi Kami perlu post pencerahan untuk video ini, harap selepas ini jangan lah kata sebarang tambah dosa kering ia pesanan ikhlas,
Kejadian berlaku di dalam Masjid Baitul Iman masjid Bandar Limbang, dua orang wanita vietnam tersalah masuk tempat sembahyang dan terus sembahyang cara Tokong di dalam Masjid.
Selepas kedua-dua wanita ini sembahyang cara Tokong, AJK masjid memberitahu kedua-dua wanita ini yang mereka tersalah masuk tempat sembahyang.
Kedua-dua wanita tersebut meminta maaf dan AJK Masjid memaafkan mereka dan terus membawa dan menunjukan mereka Tokong tidak jauh dari masjid.
Apa yang menariknya disini, inilah Sarawak, walaupun kedua-dua mereka ini membuat kesalahan kerana tersalah masuk, namun AJK masjid dan orang islam tidak marah dan tidak cepat melatah. Kerana marah bukannya dapat meredakan masalah. - Siakapkeli.my
Anwar challenges sodomy conviction
in light of Shafee allegation...
Anwar named the government as the sole respondent in the application.
He is seeking a declaration that his conviction for sodomy under Section 377B of the Penal Code by the Court of Appeal on March 14, 2014, as null and void, and ultra vires of Article 5(1) of the Federal Constitution regarding liberty of a person.
He is also seeking a declaration that the Federal Court decision on Feb 10, 2015, as null and void for similar reasons. The application was filed at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur by the law firm Daim and Gamany.
“He should not remain in prison for even one more day. That is the reason why we filed a certificate of urgency,” said Anwar's lawyer N Surendran, who is also Padang Serai MP.
Anwar's daughter Nurul Nuha maintained that the allegations about Shafee demonstrated that her father was innocent and that his right to a fair trial had been violated due to Najib's purported interference.
In his supporting affidavit to the application, the former deputy prime minister stated that following his acquittal by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Jan 9, 2012, the prosecution had appointed Shafee to lead an appeal against the decision.
“Shafee was employed by the Public Prosecutor to pursue the appeal against me. This is contrary to the ordinary practice of the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the office of the Public Prosecutor. Normally, the ordinary practice is to place the prosecution of a criminal case at the trial and appellate levels in the hands of the Deputy Public Prosecutor from the chambers.
Anwar claimed that the handling of the prosecution’s case by Shafee had exacerbated the situation. “Hence, I made applications to remove Shafee from conducting the appeals but was not successful. I did not possess the relevant information (on the RM9.5 million) payment then, as it has only surfaced in the public domain now,” he said.
In the affidavit, Anwar observed that Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri had informed Parliament that Shafee was paid a mere RM1,000 to conduct the prosecution against him in both courts at the appellate level.
“This is not the entire truth. The truth is that Shafee was paid a total of RM9.5 million in two tranches, the first RM4.3 million on Sept 11, 2013, the second RM5.2 million on Feb 17, 2014. This was about 18 days before the Court of Appeal heard the prosecution's appeal, reversed the trial judge's decision and convicted me on March 7, 2014.
“Both payments were made by Najib, the PM and a servant of the defendant (the Malaysian government). I only discovered the facts about these payments a few days ago...In any event, neither Najib nor Shafee have denied or contradicted the truth of the aforesaid facts.”
Fair trial denied
Anwar also added that as an accused person, he was constitutionally entitled to a fair trial at all stages of the judicial process. This, he stated in the affidavit, included being prosecuted by a counsel who was independent and uninfluenced by third parties through financial inducement.
“This guaranteed right has been violated in my case. This is because Shafee had a financial interest in the matter. Further, Najib has regarded me as his political opponent,” claimed Anwar, adding that it had been part of his defence during the trial and appeal that the prosecution against him was a pre-arranged plan to which Najib was a party.
He had previously said that his prosecution was a form of political persecution.
“Shafee pursued the hearings at the Court of Appeal and Federal Court in my case with the greatest zeal. He lacked the professional independence that a DPP from the Attorney-General’s Chambers would have exhibited,” he stated in the affidavit, adding that after the affirmation of his conviction and sentence by the apex court, Shafee had gone on a roadshow to condemn him and reveal in-camera evidence.
Anwar alleged that although Shafee's conduct constituted criminal contempt, the government had not seen fit to bring any criminal proceedings against Shafee. He also said that Shafee was present at Najib's house when the complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had gone there.
Anwar concluded in the affidavit that he had been deprived of a fair trial due to Shafee’s alleged employment as a prosecutor who had “substantial financial interest”, stating that “in all the circumstances of this case, there has been a violation of Article 5(1) of the constitution.”
Article 5(1) of the Federal Constitution states that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty, save in accordance with law.
It was previously reported that whistleblower website Sarawak Report revealed the payments made by Najib. Malaysiakini is unable to independently verify these claims and has contacted Shafee, and Najib's press secretary Tengku Sharifuddin Tengku Ahmad on the matter.
Besides this latest application, Anwar had earlier filed another application on April 17, to set aside the conviction and sentence on the grounds that the government relied on fabricated evidence in the form of a DNA sample. - mk
Anwar mohon mahkamah ketepikan sabitan liwat
Six temporary border crossings have been closed down along the Kolok River in Narathiwat to prevent members of Islamic State (IS) and other insurgents from sneaking into the country, officials said this.
The closures, which began on Tuesday, have affected about 5,000 villagers in eight communities who used them to commute daily from Sungai Kolok district to work in Malaysia.
The measure has also hurt the local tourism industry including motorcycle taxis, ferries and hotels as most clients are Malaysian tourists passing through the border crossings and checkpoints lying along the river in Sungai Kolok district, officials said. Continue reading...
This is what will happen when the country is led by kleptocrats. Who knows pretty soon Thailand, Philippines and other countries may impose visas on Malaysians.
Folks, this is very bad. Our next door neighbour has shut their doors in our face. And this was done with no prior notification to the Chief Thief.
Thai PM Gen Prayut Chan-O-Cha just pulled the plug and closed SIX border crossings. Whether they are "TEMPORARY" or "PERMANENT" is not relevant. They are border crossings and they have been closed for security reasons.
Meaning the Thais see these links with Malaysia as a threat to their internal security. MALULAH MALAYSIA ! !
The kaum DNA Bahalol will still be oblivious to their screwing up. As long as they can keep stealing money, they do not give a hoot.
This is what happens when the kaum DNA Bahalol decide to play host to all the Salafi preachers, terrorist groups, terrorist mentors and terrorist leaders from all over the world. You attract all the lalat tahi to the country. Finally even your nearest neighbours shut down the borders. Malu lah.
Talk is Zakir Naik actually offered CASH to buy those THREE ISLANDS in Terengganu. He was not offered the islands for free. Now a warrant of arrest has been issued in India for Zakir Naik.
(By the way has left to the Middle East - most likely to collect donations from the Arabs during the fasting month - di Malaysia duit sudah kurang sikit.)
The Hamas fellows are here in Malaysia - so it has been reported.
Moro rebels, Thai separatists, Indian hate preachers - they are all welcomed here.
Bang, dengar baik-baik.
Kita ni bukan negara besar.
Kita bukan kuasa besar.
Kita masih negeri kecil.
Tambah lagi abang2 ni semua kurang IQ. Masih belajar lagi. So, bila kita masih bodoh macam ini, just follow the rules. Ikut saja sunnah betul yang orang succesful sudah ikut.
Toksah pikir panjang atau pikir banyak2. Thinking is not your forte. Just do what other countries are already doing right.
As an example only, just follow Singapore. Very, very few or no foreign preachers allowed. Religion is strictly controlled. The masjids and the suraus are strictly controlled. There are only 14 madrassahs in Singapore.
Stop funding them. Cut off the money. Do not support them. That moron minister said he wants to create 120,000 "reciters". What for? Just buy a CD lah! RM10 saja. Or download for free in your smart fone. This is serious. The Thais are NOT going to reopen those SIX border crossings.- ostb
Pasai apa pemimpin Pas tak berani halang Liow Tiong Lai berbuka puasa
tapi dengan Lim Guan Eng kena masuk Islam dulu?
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