
Gangster2 UMNO mula mengamok menjelang PRU14...

Image result for ku nan n adnan mb pahang

Menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-14 (PRU14), UMNO membawa keluar samseng-samsengnya bagi menggertak sesiapa sahaja yang tidak sehaluan dengan pendirian parti Melayu itu.

Ia bermula dengan tindakan samseng Menteri Besar Pahang, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob yang mengajak Adun Mentakab, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji bertumbuk di luar dewan negeri sehingga ke tahap mempersoalkan keimanan beliau.

Semuanya kerana gara-gara hujah Tengku Zulpuri yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi DAP mengenai isu banjir yang tidak dipersetujui Adnan.

Adnan, jika dia waras, perlu sedar bahawa hujah harus dibalas dengan hujah, namun pemimpin UMNO itu lebih gemar mengambil aksi yang diluar kebiasaan masyarakat yang mengamalkan tamadun tinggi serta budi pekerti yang mulia.

Pun begitu, seminggu selepas ancaman itu, Adnan akhirnya memohon maaf atas kelakuannya dan menegaskan bahawa beliau bukanlah seorang gangster seperti yang disangka.

Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyataannya hari ini sempat memuji sikap Adnan yang memohon maaf kepada Tengku Zulpuri.

Namun, seperti peribahasa Melayu yang berbunyi; “Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya” kejadian itu akan terus membekas walaupun Tengku Zulpuri berlapang dada memaafkan Adnan.

Rakyat kini melihat Adnan sebagai seorang samseng, yang lebih rela menggunakan ‘penumbuk’ bagi menyelesaikan pertikaian, mirip apa yang pernah dibuat Samseng Baju Merah.

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Ku Nan pula buat hal

Belumpun reda isu ugutan Adnan itu, Setiausaha Agung UMNO, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor pula dilaporkan memperlekehkahn pelajar Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) dalam majlis Anugerah Nadi Negara 2017 pada Ahad lalu.

Tengku Adnan atau namanya manjanya Ku Nan mendakwa pelajar yang menuntut di universiti yang dibuka khusus untuk kaum Bumiputera itu sebagai ‘slow learner’ atau dalam bahasa Kebangsaannya lembab.

Dia yang berpangkat dan bertaraf menteri itu kemudian mendakwa bahawa kenyataannya itu diputar belit dan menyalahkan pembangkang sehinggalah ada pihak yang mengeluarkan rakaman penuh ucapannya itu.

Apa yang mengejutkan, pemimpin UMNO yang diangkat sebagai paling progresif dan ‘cool’ iaitu Khairy Jamaluddin (atau daddy KJ) mengeluarkan kenyataan mempertahankan tindakan bosnya itu.

Seperti rakan sejawatnya, Ku Nan akhirnya memohon maaf kerana menyedari bahawa temberangnya itu tidak lagi dapat disorok.

Mujurlah Persatuan Alumni UiTM memilih untuk memaafkan Ku Nan seperti mana Tengku Zulpuri memaafkan Adnan. Jika tidak tentu dibalas dengan demo besar-besaran di setiap cawangan UiTM. Eh, yeke?

Najib membisu?

Dalam ribut ancam mengancam, lekeh memperlekeh, ada sosok yang seharusnya berbunyi nampaknya tak berkokok langsung.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak selaku kepala UMNO dan negara seharusnya mengeluarkan kenyataan mengecam perilaku samseng anak-anak buahnya.

Namun, Najib memilih untuk senyap seribu bahasa. Cuci tangan kata orang.

Bukan pelik, artis veteran ditumbuk dalam majlis yang dihadirinya pun dia berdiri diam tanpa berkata apa-apa, seperti membenarkan perbuatan ganas hatta yang berlaku di depan matanya sendiri.

Siapa yang tidak ingat dengan kejadian pelawak, Mat Over yang menumbuk penerbit filem, David Teo kerana didakwa mempersendakan mamanda Najib.

Pemimpin yang waras akan terus bertindak menegur atau meleraikan, tetapi Najib berdiri terkepit-kepit seperti tidak ada apa-apa yang berlaku, merelakan pertelingkahan sesama rakyat berlaku di depan mata.

Di bawah pemerintahan Najib, perilaku ganas dan samseng seolah-olah bakal segar malar untuk beberapa tahun akan datang, itupun jika UMNO-BN terus diberi mandat untuk menentukan hala tuju dan dasar negara.

Sudahlah berbilion duit rakyat disonglap, budaya rasuah berleluasa, kini Najib ingin pula membiarkan budaya samseng mengakar dalam masyarakat di negara ini.

Sudah tiba masanya kita mencabut akar dengan pucuk-pucuknya sekali, dan ditanam dengan benih dan harapan yang baru atau bahasa gangsternya tolak dan tendang BN dalam PRU nanti. – Roketkini

Trading on daddy's name...

In Malaysia and many Third World countries, your father's (or grandfather's) name, can mean the difference between a life of untold riches, without having to work. Or a miserable existence.

The right name opens up a world of business, educational and business opportunities. With the right name, the victim of any burglary would receive a speedy police response, jump the queue for medical attention, or easily obtain a loan.

The children and family members of the top politician, and civil servants who trade on their fathers' names, deprive other hardworking Malaysian adults of a fair chance at the economic pie. The "right names" grab the lucrative contracts.

At one time in Perak, a company which was allegedly owned by the MB's wife was envied, despite her lack of business acumen.

The nephew of the Selangor MB is alleged to have been involved in illegal sand mining operations. Would he have been arrested by the MACC if he were just another Joe Bloggs and not Azmin Ali's nephew? Perhaps he was roped into the "business" because he was Azmin's nephew?

Would Red Granite Films have done business with Riza Aziz, if he was just boring Riza Aziz bin Mat Temberang, and not the stepson of the second most powerful man in Malaysia?

If one was called Juwiza binti Mat Tembak, and did not have a former top-cop as a dad, would one have been able to enter the firearms trade?

The former inspector-general of police (IGP), Khalid Abu Bakar (photo), said that there was no conflict of interest between him and his daughter's firearms business. She had been awarded the licence before he became the IGP. He failed to mention that the list of potential candidates, to succeed the retiring IGP, was an open secret. Planning for the future always helps.

Would Umno-Baru cyber-troopers have attacked Meera Alyanna, daughter of Mukhriz and granddaughter of Mahathir, if she was just plain Meera Alyanna binti Mat Siapa?

Mahathir is a thorn in Najib Abdul Razak's side. Despite having lost the perks of a former PM, like the services of his personal aides, and the sale of his pet projects like Proton, Mahathir is undeterred.

A sign of Najib's desperation

Targeting Mahathir's family members is a sign of Najib's desperation. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The same scrutiny should be extended to the children of current Umno-Baru and BN leaders.

Sabah businessman, Michael Chia gave a Hum-Vee to a politician's son. Would Chia have done that if that man was just plain old Nedim bin Mat Rempit? In 2012, Sarawak Report exposed Nedim's ties with Chia, and the allegation behind the American Hum-Vee 2 SUV.

They say that you can learn much about a person's subconscious, by the vehicles he drives. In his mind's eye, did Nedim imagine himself to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the man who helped to promote the Hum-Vee? What Nedim lacked in muscle he made up for it in other ways. His behaviour matches the big, brash, and unattractive Hum-Vee.

Two weeks ago, Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz (photo) reacted to the attack on Mahathir's grandchild, by saying that there was nothing wrong with flaunting one's wealth, as long as it was from halal (permissible) sources.

Nazri said, “I have asked Mahathir, many times, how his children became rich when they don’t have business acumen."

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Did Nedim graduate from the Harvard Business School or did he trade on daddy's name, when he purchased a multi-million ringgit home and a fleet of imported sports cars?

To be fair, we should inspect the garages of the various ministers and their children. Allegations of businessmen presenting cars to ministerial spouses and family members are rife.

What would you do if your father was an influential politician, or a high ranking civil servant, and you were given cars, designer accessories, land, luxury holidays, gems, shares or directorships?

Would you realise that you would be expected to put in a good word for the businessman? Or would you just think that the kindly businessman had given you the things which your father could never provide? Would you reject the gifts?

If you say no, then you are also part of the problem. You cannot cherry pick from the smörgåsbord of moral decisions.

Some of us praise Najib for his BR1M, because it helps the poor. Remove his father's name, and you are left with just another washed-out politician, who is clueless about helping the poor, except to make them more dependent on the government.

Take away the political fathers' names from many people, who are prominent in public life, and you will see them for what they are. They will have lost the lustre.

Until you remove the spotlight, which you shine on them, you will stop yourself from seeing the true problem. You also prevent yourself from finding solutions. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk

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