
MCA memang bangang kerana setuju bayaq syarikat AES...

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Menteri Pengangkutan Anthone Loke membidas MCA yang mengkritik keputusannya untuk membatalkan semua saman AES sehingga 31 Ogos.

Loke berkata, masalah berhubung AES berpunca daripada tindakan MCA ketika berada dalam kerajaan.

"Saya boleh menerima kritikan daripada sesiapa kecuali pemimpin MCA kerana mereka adalah orang yang paling hipokrit.

"Bekas Menteri pengangkutan yang juga merupakan pemimpin MCA yang menandatangani perjanjian ini... Hanya orang yang tidak cerdik menandatangani perjanjian ini.

"Jadi guna otak sebelum bercakap, apa yang anda katakan hari ini memberi gambaran yang sangat buruk kepada menteri-menteri MCA," katanya kepada sidang media di Putrajaya hari ini.

Loke berkata demikian sebagai menjawab kritikan daripada Timbalan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong dan Setiausaha Agung Pemuda MCA Leong Kim Soon berhubung tindakan kementerian pengangkutan membatalkan semua saman AES minggu lalu.

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AES mula berkuat kuasa ketika pemimpin MCA, Kong Cho Ha menjadi menteri pengangkutan pada 2012.

Jelas Loke, ketika Presiden MCA Liow Tiong Lai mengambil alih portfolio itu pada 2014, Liow juga tidak serius dengan penguatkuasaan dan tidak berusaha mengutip 80 peratus saman itu yang masih tidak berbayar.

"Dua-dua mereka tidak serius dengan perkara ini," katanya.

Tambah Loke, disebabkan perjanjian yang tidak seimbang, kerajaan tidak akan dapat apa-apa daripada saman AES yang dibayar, selepas ia diberi diskaun kepada RM150.

Ini kerana, katanya, perjanjian yang ditandatangani pengendali AES, ATES Sdn Bhd dan Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd, dua firma yang berhak ke atas 50 peratus saman AES yang dikutip berdasarkan kadar asal RM300.

"Jadi kalau kita kutip RM150 sekarang, ia hanya akan diambil oleh syarikat berkenaan," katanya.

Kata Loke, kerajaan juga perlu membayar RM16 untuk setiap saman yang dikeluarkan oleh dua syarikat berkenaan tanpa perlu mengambil kira sama ada saman itu dikutip atau tidak.

Kedua-dua syarikat berkenaan, katanya, sudah mengaut RM129 juta daripada dua peringkat perjanjian itu.

Jumlah itu, tambahnya, jauh melebihi kos kesemua 47 kamera AES yang dipasang yang dianggarkan RM250,000 satu kamera, atau RM10 juta kesemuanya.

"Syarikat berkenaan sudah buat untuk yang besar," katanya. - mk

AES concession firms made RM129 mil over 6 years

Pesan arwah tok guru kepada PAS...

Hadi Awang membawa penyokong2 Pas bernostalgia menyelami sejarah sebelum merdeka.
'Pas pernah bersama sepentas dengan Umno di waktu itu.'

Usaha terdesak Hadi untuk meyakinkan ahli2 akar umbi untuk menerima dan menyokong kerjasama yang mahu dijalinkan antara Pas dan UmnoBN.

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Ianya amat bertentangan dengan pesanan arwah TGNA berhubung isu yang sama (lihat video).

UmnoBN hari ini sudah rosak teruk dan busuk hingga ke usus jika dibandingkan sebelum Najib Razak menjadi Presiden Umno/PM Malaysia. 

Di kala ini Hadi mahu Pas menjalinkan kerjasama dan berkemungkinan bergabung dengan UmnoBN ?? - f/bk

Lebai syiok sendiri...

100 days and the ten deadly sins...

In the past, we did not listen critically and analyse what our politicians were up to. We allowed things to slide and we complained only when things were almost at the point of no return.

We have passed the 100 days of Pakatan Harapan rule. If we become complacent, the chances are that they will end up being Umno Baru 2.0.

Here are ten reasons why you, as the most powerful person in Malaysia, are resistant to change. We need to get rid of these bad habits, to exercise our power and be instruments for change.


Who doesn’t love a bit of gossip? Some of us thrive on it. We are aware that denigrating someone who is not present is a disgusting habit. We also know that the person with whom we are gossiping will within a few minutes gossip about us, and yet we persist.


TV3 has made use of our ability to be absorbed by mindless, mind-crippling drama. When we want to engage others in serious conversation about important issues, people look away and switch off.

We do nothing when things go wrong instead of speaking up and complaining to the relevant people about poor customer service, or something which is underperforming, because we have more important things to do, or cannot be bothered.

How can anyone even begin to help a person who will not help himself?

Being judgemental

Imagine an injustice being perpetrated against a member of the LGBT community. We speak out, but some people criticise those who are trying to help. When will we start to listen without being judgemental?


When there are problems in the community, like the rights of non-Muslims being trampled upon, we do nothing and instead of taking action, we say, “What can I do? The Syariah Court is all-powerful, and I do not have the remotest chance of winning.”

People give up too easily because they think they cannot do anything; but have they tried?


Instead of complaining to the relevant people about incompetence, we do nothing and give up at the slightest hint of resistance.

Complaining followed by inaction seems to be a national pastime, but it will not resolve any issue. We complain about everything. The weather. The economy. The education. The roads.

Some people in Umno Baru have made complaining an art form. The economy is bad. Blame it on DAP. The currency is falling. Blame it on the Chinese. Food prices have risen. It is the Singaporeans’ fault. The rain is non-stop. Blame it on the Christians who stopped Malaysia from adopting hudud laws.


You have been treated badly but refuse to complain about this abuse of power, your excuse for doing nothing is that you know nobody and you will lose. So, you justify inaction with a multitude of reasons.


Umno Baru and PAS politicians say that only their party can defend the Malays and protect Islam. Do we confront the politicians and ask, “Defend the Malays from what? Protect Islam from whom?”

Malays enjoy positions of power in the civil service, armed forces, GLCs, and many other institutions. Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. The Malays comprise 60 percent of the population. Why should they exaggerate their fear of being threatened?


This is like being bombarded with facts and someone else’s opinions, or fake news. Instead of checking to see if these stories are true, we share this information with others and claim that it is the gospel truth. It makes listening very difficult.

These ten deadly sins hamper our ability for progress, but the good news is that one way forward for Malaysians, is to ‘MATI.’


‘M’ is for the Malaysian identity and Malaysian values. It could also stand for materialism.

As the nation grew and many became wealthier, we forgot our values, we became greedy, ignored the poor and the needy, and pursued material wealth. At the same time, most of us identified ourselves or allowed others to portray us as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Sarawakian or Sabahan. In ‘new Malaysia’, we need to forge a new Malaysian identity.

‘A’ is for alarm and accountability, or it could stand for apathy.

For decades, we were consumed with apathy. When we saw that our leaders were not serving the rakyat but themselves, we finally saw the importance of leaders who were accountable for their actions.

‘A’ could also be for action. And in the 14th general election we voted for change.

‘T’ is for thought or thinking, and for tolerance, or rather the lack thereof.

In ‘new Malaysia’, we should start to think about our actions. When Najib said that only Umno Baru can save Islam, we were too lazy to listen critically and tell him off for talking bullshit.

‘I’ is for integrity and intellect, or thinking things through. I is also for ‘I’.

What is personal and professional integrity? Why are there lapses in the judiciary, the police force, the education system and in the public service? Why did we let things slide?

Rebuilding Malaysia is not about you, or me, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Pakatan Harapan, or even Umno. It is also about the future of our children and their children.

We are investing in their future and hope to create a country which they will learn to love, as we love our country. The success of Malaysia is tied to the success of everyone. Malay. Chinese. Indian. Orang Asli. Iban and Kadazan.

We need to iron out our differences, educate everyone and build our children’s future. We may not see the results of our work, but they will. That is why we need to continue to talk with one another, even on sensitive issues, and learn from each other’s stories. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk

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