
Baiah - dokumen cagar bini dalam PAS...

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Anggota parlimen Bachok, Nik Mohamad Abuh Nik Abdul Aziz mempertahankan tindakan beliau menafikan kesahihan suaranya dalam audio PAS menerima dana daripada Umno itu adalah langkah yang tepat.

Katanya, dalam soal menjaga kerahsiaan parti perkara itu juga pernah diamalkan oleh ayahnya, allahyarham Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat ketika memimpin PAS.

"Ia hanya soal kerahsiaan dan bila kita berada dalam parti besar apatah lagi parti Islam, maka soal kerahsiaan itu adalah sesuatu yang valid, ada ilmunya dalam agama. Banyak contoh-contohnya.

"Saya buat contoh yang dekat kita di Kelantan ini ialah dalam isu baiah, taklid talak (isteri) terhadap wakil rakyat PAS di Kelantan. Apabila dokumen itu tular, almarhum tok guru Nik Aziz ditanya dan dia menafikan sekeras-kerasnya.

"Maknanya kalau nak kata bohong pun bohonglah, tapi ia bab kerahsiaan. Dia menjaga rahsia wujudnya baiah itu walaupun dah bocor sampai ke mati," katanya kepada media di Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra, Kota Bharu - ASP

Hadi membenarkan Nik Abduh menipu ummah.

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Corrupt Top Judges Exposed – And Najib Might Walk Away A Free Man After All...

Senior lawyer Haniff Khatri had previously alleged that a top judge interfered in a majority decision which was initially to acquit the late DAP national chairman Karpal Singh of his charge under the Sedition Act. As a result of the judge’s intervention, the decision of the Court of Appeal was changed – behind closed doors – from acquittal to a conviction.

Now, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, a Court of Appeal Judge, has given credence to the suspicion of the existence of hanky-panky within the country’s judiciary system. In what appears to be a bombshell to the Palace of Justice, Justice Hamid has alleged that there are members of the judiciary who have been working with private parties to scam the government.

Here’s how the scam works. Apparently, nominees of politicians would create dubious contracts with the government where the government later fails to adhere to the contract. And because the political nominee had no intention of honouring the contract from the beginning, the government would eventually pull out of the deal and terminate the contract.

The private parties would then take the government to court to claim compensation, arguing that the government has breached the contract. Subsequently, the government may record a consent judgment accepting liability and agreeing to assess damages. Justice Hamid reveals – “This modus operandi was to deprive the exchequer by false claims.”

The contract was deliberately written to contain unfair terms with the government, making the contract un-enforceable based on public policy grounds. It was created to fail from the beginning. In essence, the corrupt judges were working hand in glove with crooked politicians to scam truckloads of money from the government, which happens to be taxpayers’ money.

But that’s just the beginning. Court of Appeal Judge Hamid also exposed how the judicial and constitutional misconduct in the judiciary system happened not only during the previous Najib Razak regime, but continues even under the present Mahathir administration. He has claimed the dirty judges were extremely concerned about the prospect of Pakatan Harapan winning the last May’s election.

Judge Hamid Sultan Abu Backer

As early as April 2018, a month before the 14th general election, during a monthly lunch organised at an Italian restaurant, Justice Hamid was surprised when one top judge and other judges expressed their worry that a victory by the then opposition Pakatan victory could see them being “tribunalised”. He wrote in his 65-page affidavit – “Basically, it was a confession relating to guilt.”

Stunningly, Hamid said the corrupt judges were “extremely happy” when members of the old regime were elevated or promoted instead, after the new Pakatan Harapan coalition took over the government from the corrupted Barisan Nasional. It has been business as usual since. He said – “To me, I see it as one movement from a kleptocracy regime to another and nothing more.”

The whistleblower Justice Hamid said – “The talk among the judicial members was that they were appointed because of the influence of an ex-minister who they served earlier. They all knew it was business as usual and all the fear of ‘tribunalisation’ had disappeared overnight and now they are looking forward to top positions upon vacancy.”

Hamid’s affidavit, filed yesterday in support of lawyer Sangeet Kaur Deo’s application to declare that the chief justice failed to defend the integrity and credibility of the judiciary, could open a can of worms – even a massive scandal – on the present Mahathir administration who had appointed Richard Malanjum as the new Chief Justice, whose integrity is now being challenged.

There are basically two possibilities, if Justice Hamid’s claims are true. First, Chief Justice Malanjum knew about the business of scamming and corruption within judges, but chose to join the party. Second, Malanjum, a Christian, knew, but was powerless because eventually any harsh actions against the dirty judges would be turned into a racial and religion issue by the opposition – racist UMNO and extremist PAS.

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Chief Justice Richard Malanjum

Regardless, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad cannot adopt “see no evil, hear no evil” approach, now that a Court of Appeal Judge has let the cat out of the bag. Interestingly, four days ago (Feb 11), the Court of Appeal has allowed an application by crooked Najib Tun Razak to stay the hearing of his SRC International trial, which was supposed to take place the next day (Feb 12).

Were any or all of the top three judges – Justice Ahmadi Asnawi, Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah and Justice Yew Jen Kie – as dirty as the allegations unveiled by Hamid? Actions should be taken against the judges of the Court of Appeal, if there were signs of deliberate leniency to facilitate the delay tactics used by Najib Razak to escape the jail.

Already, the defiant Najib deliberately refused to enter the “dock” during the case management over his 25 charges of graft and money laundering relating to transactions amounting to RM2.3 billion linked to 1MDB. Why was the crook allowed to mock and insult the court, and not charged for “contempt of court” despite deliberately did it in front of a judge?

If the Mahathir administration has no intention of rocking the boat of the current corrupt judges, who happily run their business as usual, why then bother slapping charges on powerful and cash-rich crooks like former PM Najib Razak and Deputy PM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, knowing they would eventually get to walk away a free man? Would it not better to strike some deals with the devils instead?

A better deal would be to grant immunity to Najib or his partner-in-crime Jho Low in exchange for the return of some of the money stolen from 1MDB funds, rather than getting nothing yet seeing the thieves getting away scot-free – because the dirty Court of Appeal Judges whom are still grateful to the “kleptocrat” have already decided to help their former master. - FT

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